Marta Nater
ღ Published Author ღ Writer ღ Reader ღ Family Oriented ღ Animal Lover ღ Doing My Best To Write Congenial Books ღ Gold Book Award Winner ღ

Brightly Inspiring Literary Ventures
Welcome to my world of vibrant books and storytelling! As a published author, I aim to expand by engaging in articles, blogs, Images, videos, and more which will reflect my passion for writing. Come get to know more about me, Marta Nater Through my Website

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FANS, FAMILY & FRIENDS: Please Vote For Me In The Link Above With Your Name, Phone & Email. Please Be Sure To Provide The Authors Info Below. Thank you Kindly, Would Appreciate This. Author First & Last Name: Marta Nater Book Title: "Heroes To The Public Villains To The Law"
In my Own Words
I was born during the cold season in the first month of the year January on the beautiful island of Puerto Rico in Vega Baja. I was raised for most of my childhood and early teen years in the northern parts of New York City and Massachusetts from the age of one. At age fifteen, due to medical reasons, my father moved us to Lakeland Florida. I come from a large family that consists of eight brothers and three sisters. Even though I always felt as if part of my life while growing up was robbed in some ways, I love life and above all am proud of the person that I have become in life. Unfortunately, I was raised in a maladjusted form sort of way as well as in a dysfunctional abusive home. Yet odd as it may sound, I was raised in a religious environment from a young age. Based on an early unexplained childhood spiritual experience, I solely believe in both heart and mind in the true existence as the power of the almighty God above heaven, creator of all things. I attended elementary school in Long Island, NY, and attended middle school in Leominster and Worcester Massachusetts. I also attended high school in Taunton, Massachusetts. In 1992, I took night classes at an Orlando public school for three months and received my GED. From 2009 to 2010, I took an online course at the University of Central Florida studying the field of writing. My father was a Sergeant War Veteran who fought against Korea. He passed away back on October 3, 1989, at age 59. He died a few hours after major surgery in Tampa Florida. My elderly sick mother who suffered from Alzheimer's, Parkinson's Disease, high blood pressure, and congestive heart failure resided in a very nice nursing home in Orlando Florida. Unfortunately, she passed away from natural causes on October 16, 2022. She was 90 years old and is deeply missed. I can't say much about my siblings except that I love them even though we are not all bonded. A few of them live their life with a mild delusional mind streak characterized by holding idiosyncratic beliefs or impressions that are contradicted by reality or rational argument, while others show traits of narcissism. I believe that this behavior comes not just from the way we were abusively raised but also from the lack and refusal of psychiatry help. Both of my parents were devoted Jehovah's Witnesses and all 12 children were raised as such. Currently, the majority of us are estranged from the religion. I have been married to my long-time husband Jaime, together we have a small family which also includes a few cats. Unfortunately, we had one beautiful infant daughter who died due to a heart defect along with other medical issues. As a person, I have suffered from depression which began in my childhood years which was mainly caused as brought on due to how I was abysmally raised. And even in the present as an adult, I still can't seem to get away from that feeling of depression. When I think about my past, I feel saddened because I did things that I am not proud of, but it is from those errors that I have learned and matured not to repeat such mistakes. Since childhood, I have always wanted to write and someday become a published author, which I have accomplished. Writing is one of my strongest passions in life and is part of my life. I love writing because it is mentally therapeutic for me. I try to keep my books easy to understand for the public readers. I am also the recipient of both a Silver & Gold Book Award Winner and have been interviewed and featured on YouTube, audio radio by Triangle Media and the Mike Wagner show about my books as life. I am confident and optimistic that I will improve as progress over time. I enjoy walks on the beach, gardening, reading, roller skating, Latin dancing, going to the theatres, and spending time with my family and cats. My goal is to be seen as a good role model for others in the public eye and inspire others. I am content with life and thankful to God who I strongly feel has blessed me in many ways throughout my life. For personal reasons, I am against Child Abuse and a huge fan and advocate supporter of the Child Abuse guidelines and its laws. My book, "Life Growing Up" sums it all up.

Child Abuse Foundation
My three-part fictional book novel is part of an ongoing series of villains I created. It is my way of supporting the child abuse protection guidelines as laws through written advocacy. As a child, I was a victim of harsh inflicted child abuse which included emotional mental abuse, physical, verbal, and sexual abuse. Unfortunately, alongside me were my siblings who also suffered at the hands of our father for years and years. Those who were put by the state to help us, namely, Child Protective Service failed us time after time by turning their backs on us and simply walking away. What most led me to write my three-part fictional series book was not only my own case of child abuse but also the thousands of child abuse cases worldwide. One particular child abuse case that gave me even more courage to write, was that of the 2013 California death of eight-year-old Gabriel Fernandez who was tortured time after time, killed by his mother and boyfriend. Just like in my unfortunate case, and Gabriel's, there are thousands of children nationwide who are subjects of child abuse cases by their parents while the child system holds back on doing anything to help the child, often at times until it is too late like it was for young Gabriel, and baby lollipop as well as others who died while in the watch of Child Protective Service. To better understand my book series I can only say that as a growing child of harsh abuse, I have always wished for a hero to come to my rescue to change and fix the broken justice system where child protective services were a concern. Their failures to improve these matters are why many children have died while on their watch, especially in earlier decades. This is why this book series was created as such because we need to bring to light matters such as these by advocacy, whether that be by voice or on paper. This is why this book series is unique and slightly different from other books. It positions the protagonists as villains who fight against a rash of different injustices, especially in child abuse cases. With so much injustice going around our days this book series makes a suitable fit for all audiences. Are you or were you by any chance a victim of child abuse? If you were, this book might give you more lucidity in understanding where I am coming from writing this series. In real life, some villains are like superheroes because they fight for a good cause but unfortunately, their causes sometimes don't align with the norms of life. I believe this book is worth the read especially since it has a little of everything mixed in such as action, drama, suspense, romance, heroes, villains, child abuse cases, pedophiles, sex offenders, sex trafficking, FBI involvements, and even racism issues that need to be addressed. I do apologize for some of the violence added in by the villains themselves as villains do in real life. Each villain featured in my book series has their agenda of being noticed, heard, and getting their message through the proper channels at any and every cause. We, too, can help save America's children by recognizing the signs of child abuse and reporting it immediately by doing it the right legal way and getting involved in several ways. The purpose of my trilogy series book is to help our children while helping to educate child protective services by improving their methods on how they currently handle child abuse cases. Please Help Prevent Child Abuse -

Please help Support The Animal Abuse Foundations
Help Safe Animals By Donating To Their Foundations
The Humane Society of the United States Animal Rescue Team targets the worst cases of animal abuse across the county.
Every year, The humane society rescues thousands of animals from fighting operations, puppy mills, and other situations where animals suffer from life-threatening conditions. They work closely with law enforcement to investigate illegal animal cruelty and assist in evaluating, transporting, and caring for animals in urgent need. They also provide swift, expert animal rescue responses when natural disasters strike.
This critical work is only possible because of the support of animal lovers like you. So please give it to the Animal Rescue Team today. Together, we will continue to answer the call when animals are in desperate need.
If you are like me, an animal lover, then please remember that giving a monthly donation to any animal foundation of your choice is the best way to provide ongoing support in our fight to protect all animals. Feel free to check out my books, Samson And Delilah Part One and Two on Amazon. It is all about animal safety, protection, and being an advocate on their behalf. Thank You
My Three Cats, Mindy, Carrie & Crispy.

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Samson And Delilah (Part One)
Samson And Delilah (Part Two)

Mental Health Awareness
For those of you who don't know, I have struggled with depression since childhood on an in & out basis. In my personal case view, I have come to realize that anything having to do with health issues, sibling drama, or the loss of a loved one triggers it. Some of these factors have often led to both my past & present mental stress which only digs me even more into depression. Fortunately, I find myself drawn to poetry where I find solace, comfort & solidarity. It helps me to understand better my mental experiences — as well as the experiences of those who deal with depression in ways that don’t mirror mine at all. Depression poems offer up such a range of experiences & puts the period at the end of the statement that no single experience can get it right or accurately depict what a mental illness looks or feels like. Depression is a serious mental illness that negatively affects how one feels, thinks & handles daily activities. Many of us have experienced depression at some point in our lives which can be either short-term or longer-term. Sad to say that many people which include our loved ones & closes friends don't understand that this is more than just feeling “Down” for a few days. And for those who don't know, being negative, or choosing the wrong words to say to an already depressed individual can be harmful. The truth is that depression is a potentially debilitating condition that can have a profound impact on someone's quality of life. If you’re like me, struggling with depression, please know that you’re not alone. Just like me, there are thousands of people around the world living with this condition. Fortunately, there is hope for recovery & treatment that can & will help manage someone's symptoms & improve their moods. Unfortunately in my case, I refuse to be put under meds for depression, I don't like being in a zombie state of mind. Besides this, I am already taking meds for other health conditions & do not wish to add on anymore. After my mother's death, along with some unwanted sibling drama, my depression began to escalate. For me to remain mentally sane, I have chosen to stay away from certain loved ones that only seem to bring me mental misery instead of mental peace & tranquility. From a distance, I will always love them. Life is just much better that way as it provides me with mental relief. While I am aware that depression can be treated successfully with medication & therapy, some people (like me) may find relief in poetry. Poetry can be a powerful tool for expression & it can help to articulate our thoughts & feelings in a way that we may not be able to express with simple words. I wrote my poem (on the bottom side of this page) which describes me & is how I feel. Believe it or not, writing down how you feel in simple words, then putting it into a form of poetry, can help not only you but also help others to understand what you are mentally going through. Please feel free to share with me by email your thoughts or images whether that be through your own poetry or not.
Marta's Poetry
"The Silent Pain That No One Sees" Just when I find some happiness, it is stolen once again by frigid words & actions. Just when I thought I had made it through the worse, I am crippled once again. My mind has gone dark once again as I have stopped loving & doing the things I love most. There is no bliss, For pain has become my only friend. It is the kind of pain I never knew existed. It is the silent pain that no one sees. The world around me keeps passing by, I see it in deep blurs of colors & hear it in wave sounds. Nothing around me makes much sense, everything is at a standstill. It all began in my childhood growing years & I don’t know when it will end. I would give anything to stand up on my two feet again & have the courage to fight off as to never return for another battle. But the sadness is too much to bare, The inner feeling is too intense. It is the silent pain that no one sees. I can't see the sky anymore in blue, But grey. The stars seemed so close, But I can't reach them. The calmness in me is replaced with panic. As my mind goes into a whirlpool state where my fears take over, taking me inside that dark world once again. I live within a fantasy world to block & bury the reality of the pain. It is the silent pain that no one sees. I am the girl who fakes the smile, The one who surrounds herself with family & friends. Why can't they see I am stuck in a dark world where I am not me anymore? Why do they push me further in with their drama, negativity & frigid words? My world is dark, cold, plain & sad, The clouds are not shining. When It rains, I can't hear the drops fall & the wind is still. My thoughts & hopes fall thick into despair for the days continue dark, & grey. The clues I leave behind are useless for no one catches them. It is the silent pain that no one sees. Is this my fate in life? To live life within darkness, Where the light never shines & the moon hides from me out of shame. This dark world where it keeps reliving over & over again like a merry-go-round those old bitter childhood memories? So much agony in thoughts bringing me misery. Pain has become my constant friend. It is the silent pain that no one sees. In my dark world, I stand alone. I see a dark tunnel & I see a vivid light at the end of the dark tunnel. It is far for me to reach it, For the walk is extremely long. As I walk through it, The voices in the dark tunnel keep whispering many words. They say to me over & over again that the only thing left for me to do is to stop, stand still, laugh it out, then cry & scream until I no longer can anymore. It is the silent pain that no one sees. Who will save me from this mental agony? I don't know which way to go anymore. Do I go left, right, forward, or backward? For I am mindfully confused & lost. Oh, how I keep thinking that the voices in the tunnel are right. Perhaps it be a lot simpler if I just let down a rope, set it around my neck & jump off to end my misery once & for all. Maybe then, this silent pain that no one sees will finally be seen. Poem Written By Author Marta Nater "If It were not for my love & trust in God, I wouldn't be here in this so-called of a world. Without God, I am nothing"

Black Lives Matter
Amadou Diallo

Who was Amadou Diallo? On February 4, 1999, Amadou Diallo was shot and killed on his apartment stoop by four white NYPD plainclothes officers who later claimed that they had mistaken Amadou for a rape suspect from a year earlier. The four officers fired a total of 41 shots, striking Amadou 19 times. Amadou was unarmed. I wrote and dedicated my second book series to Amadou Diallo. I created a character under Amadou's first name, my reason for this was because of the great injustice served by headless jurors allowing police officers to continue with their violence and killings against innocent African Americans. What happened to this young man Amadou Diallo should never be forgotten. In my book series, The Return Of The Villains For Justice (part two), young character Amadou takes a stand and fights against prejudiced people, especially against police officers who believe they are above the law due to a mare badge. With Amadou's actions, he sends a clear message that "Black Lives Matter" and there will be consequences to pay when this line is crossed. ,
Jennifer Kesse
Author, Marta Nater wrote the book "I Am Beast" to educate readers on the heinous act of stalking, which causes a victim to suffer extreme fear. The book consists of five chapters, the first four of which, in the form of factual stories, analyze stalker behavior types, motivations of the perpetrator, and the impact of the crime on the victim. In the last chapters the author covers the book’s sole objective. The author reminds the reader of the case of Jennifer Kesse, unaccounted for since January 23, 2006, from Orlando, Florida. In asserting that Jesse’s abduction was the work of a stalker and analyzing possible abduction scenarios based on extensive research into Jennifer Kesse’s case and the psychology of abductors, the author explains what she believes occurred with Jennifer Kesse.
I Am Beast begins with a poem from the perspective of a beast which is symbolic of a stalker or the abductor of Jennifer Kesse. Though the beast seems to have been struck by conscience, confessing the negative consequences of his conduct on the victim, his confession takes a turn to his fear, which later on becomes a challenge for people to find him, the only way to find the many Jennifer Kesses in the world.
While researching extensively to identify what happened with Jennifer Kesse on the unfortunate day of January 23, 2006 and noting the suspects she feels were let go, the author’s persistence in investigating this now cold case is admirable and brave. It’s nice to see that the book offers more than just the intention to kill the beast, the stalkers. Stalkers and victims are both prescribed physiatrists and therapies, with the belief that those who are determined will change.
I Am Beast enlightens the reader on the seriousness of stalking and how it could worsen if the early stages are ignored or taken casually. The book certainly educates readers on a crime that is often ignored, sometimes due to fear of being stigmatized as weak. It is an appeal to help find the abductor of Jennifer Kesse and a guide for potential victims to come out of the initial phase before another beast is born and another Jennifer Kesse is taken You didn’t come this far to stop

Book Review By Literary Titan

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Marta Nater, A Voice For Justice.